The blog of a Sci-Fi Geek

Thu 23 September , 10

Doctor Who : Season 32 [news roundup]

Filed under: TV — Tags: , , , — SFG @ 17:03

This is just a small collection of news tidbits and rumours from around the web.
Some may be spoilers, some may be conjecture and fan wishlists.
I make no apologies for the veracity (or otherwise) of these comments.
So what do we ‘know’ so far?
The season will be split in two, taking a summer break to return in the autumn.
The Sun reported that Amy Pond will be the big cliffhanger to the first part of the season, but then The Sun has probably reported on the death of every main character since RTD brought the show back.
We’ll find out just who River Song is.
River Song could actually be Amy Pond.
Amy Pond could be River’s and The Doctor’s child.
Neil Gaiman has written an episode.
Let me just say that again … Neil Gaiman has written an episode.

So, is there anything that I’ve missed?
If so leave a message in the comment section below.

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