The blog of a Sci-Fi Geek

Sat 8 January , 11

Sci-Fi Films of 2011 – What I Want to See

I haven’t ever really done this before, so why not give it a go now?
Well, why not indeed, so here’s a list of science fiction (or at least sci-fi tinged) films I’d like to see this year.
There may be more that crop up along the way, but for the moment these are the ones right now that I’m keen to view.


Mon 24 May , 10

Super 8

Filed under: Film, Internet — Tags: , , , — SFG @ 07:46

The first teaser trailer has gone online for this Steven Spielberg produced, J.J. Abrams directed film.
Much like the way he handled the secrecy for his Star Trek reboot, Abrams is treating the specifics about this film very secretively, only releasing material for it as part of a viral marketing campaign not too dissimilar to the way in which the marketing for Cloverfield was handled (Abrams was producer on Cloverfield).

Super 8 trailer
(other ‘sites/hosts are available)

There’s rumours (aren’t there always?!?) that this is actually a prequel to Cloverfield, though this early in the marketing campaign I’d be a little surprised if that nugget turned out to be true.
The film itself isn’t scheduled to be released until 2011, so there’s loads of time to debate/argue about what it will or will not be.

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